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Surya Gita the spiritual science : received through voice of perception, the voice that originated 3000 years B.C. by Joginder Lal Bedi,[1995] Price : USD 6.30 (DK-99890 ( HBD ) ) Usually Ships In : 5 - 8 days Add To Cart | Add To Short List |
The Bhagavad-Gita the song of god : with introduction, original Sanskrit text and roman transliteration, a lucid English rendition, guide for the beginners and daily reading, commentaries with verses from other religious scriptures, glossary and index by Ramananda Prasad,1996 Price : USD 6.30 (DK-100281 ( PBK ) ) Usually Ships In : 10 - 15 days Add To Cart | Add To Short List |
| | Bhagavad Gita a new perspective : a universal message for the modern society Ila Ahuja and M. Raj Ahuja,1995 Price : USD 12.40 (DK-100979 ( HBD ) ) Usually Ships In : 10 - 15 days Add To Cart | Add To Short List |
Sai Baba Gita : the way to self-realization and liberation in this age / compiled and edited by Al Drucker.,1995 Price : USD 12.25 (DK-101839 ( PBK ) ) Usually Ships In : 2 - 3 Months Add To Cart | Add To Short List |
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