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Ragadhana an alpha-numerical directory of ragas by Ludwig Pesch ; with forewords by Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati and George S. Paul,1993 Price : USD 17.00 (DK-84692 ( HBD ) ) Usually Ships In : 2 - 3 Months Add To Cart | Add To Short List |
Introduction to the study of Indian music an attempt to reconcile modern Hindustani music with ancient musical theory and to propound an accurate and comprehensive method of treatment of the subject of Indian musical intonation by E. Clements,1992 Price : USD 7.75 (DK-75272 ( HBD ) ) Usually Ships In : 3 - 4 weeks Add To Cart | Add To Short List |
The international library of music editor-in-chief, David Scull Bispham ; associate editor, Winton James Baltzell ; revised by the editorial staff of the University Society,0 Price : USD 164.40 (DK-78955 ( HBD ) ) Part of Multivolume,Can't Be Purchased Separately,Click Title For Details |
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