Indic Script Converter Demo version also available, please contact us at
INDscripteR -
a multi-lingual tool for librarians,
library users and linguists
Scripts of various languages all over the world have been a subject of interest,
study and research ever since they came into existence.
INDscripteR is the very first software created by the Software Division of DK
supporting conversion of Romanized text as per ALA/LC Romanization Tables
into the original Indic script of that very language using Unicode. In this
multi-cultural and multi-lingual world, INDscripteR helps librarians and library
users to look at and identify a product data on the computer screens in the
scripts it is originally available. INDscripteR is available for
converting texts into Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam,
Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Panjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil,Telugu and Urdu
languages. Since a significant number of titles appear in India in Tibetan
language, INDscripteR already supports its conversion.
Other Products :
- INDenhanceR --a tool for enhancing MARC records with Indic/South Asian Scripts.
Salient features of INDscripteR
Conversion of romanized text from ANSI / MARC-8 to Unicode / UTF-8
Conversion of romanized text into original Indic script using Unicode
- Text conversion possible only if romanized using ALA-LC Romanization tables
Options for various languages available according to user requirements
Supports without depending on which library management system is in use.
Very easy and convenient for the end user
Various options of licensing / billing available customized to the user requirement
Regular updates of the software will be made available to the customer
Developed by a company completely Devoted to Knowledge and known for its library friendly services for the last 4 decades.
Why you need INDscripteR
Multi-lingual world:
India is pretty well known for its vast cultural, ethnic and
language affinities and these have been drawing the attention of not only the
scholars but also the people in general worldwide. Native Indians have been
migrating for centuries and are spread in almost all corners of the globe, and
so are the Indian languages. Here comes a great challenge for librarians,
archivists, linguists and library / archive users to understand and identify the
scripts being used in these languages. And INDscripteR takes care of
most of them.
Tag 880 of MARC 21 records:
Tag 880 denotes Alternate Graphic
Representation (generally a script) of another field in the same record. If
your collection includes books in any of the languages given above, and the
library management system being used is Unicode compatible, then INDscripteR
can multi-fold the usefulness of your collection. You can convert the major
fields of a book/record into its original script and save the same in tag 880.
This will help the librarian as well as the end user of the book to search and
identify a book.
Library Management Softwares not supporting Unicode :
In such a situation, there is no need to change the system in vogue.
Simply paste and convert the data through the INDscripteR view/print the same.
Minimum System Requirements
Framework. Net 2.0 required. Available for free download from
Internet access is a must while running INDscripteR
For all the languages, except Tibetan, ‘Arial MS Unicode’ font is used. For Tibetan
‘Tibetan Machine Uni’ font is used.
Following is the chart relating to operating system requirements for various
Windows 2000 |
Windows XP |
Windows XP – SP2 |
Vista |
Assamese |
Ö |
Ö |
Bengali |
Ö |
Ö |
Gujarati |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Hindi |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Kannada |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Malayalam |
Ö |
Ö |
Marathi |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Nepali |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Oriya |
Ö |
Panjabi |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Sanskrit |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Tamil |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Telugu |
Ö |
Ö |
Ö |
Tibetan |
Ö |
Ö |
Urdu |
Ö |
Ö |
Note: For best performance please
use Microsoft Vista operating system as it has Unicode 5.0 support.
How to use INDscripteR
To convert romanized text from ANSI / MARC-8 to Unicode / UTF-8
Enter or paste romanized text which is already in ANSI / MARC-8 in the first
text box.
Click on “Convert to Unicode†button.
The text will get converted into Unicode and will be available in second
text box.
To convert romanized text in Unicode / UFT-8 to original Indic script
Enter romanized text in Unicode in second text box. For this purpose, 3
options are available:
Enter text manually.
Paste text after copying from your library database.
Text already available in this box due to conversion from ANSI / MARC-8.
Select the language to which you want to convert to.
Click on “Convert to original script†button.
The text in the selected script will be available in the third text box.
Paste this text into tag 880.
offer their services to convert your entire database of Indian languages through
the INDscripteR. Enquiries are welcome.
Contact Us
Please contact us for any queries or details regarding INDscripteR at <>
case a user is following any other standard method of romanization than ALA/LC
Romanization Tables, please write to us at <> for
specially developing the possibility of such a converter. DK have the required
expertise and technical know-how to do it on a customized basis.
Screen shots of INDscripteR

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Other Products :
- INDenhanceR --a tool for enhancing MARC records with Indic/South Asian Scripts.